Saturday, November 22, 2008


So everyone that I talk to says that I need to get a blog so here I am.
Marcus and I have been married for almost four years. It hasn't been the easiet but I wouldn't trade it for anything. We still live in Blackfoot and I hope that we will forever, unless we can move to Maddison South Dakota thats would be okay.
We have not been blessed we any kids yet. We have had a hard time with that. We have gone through four misscarrages and with the last one this last month they said that I wouldn't beable to have children. So we are strating to get the process started for adoption. I'm really excited because I know that there is plenty of children out there that need a caring family. I know that my babies are up in Heaven waiting for me so I gives me something to look forward to. I know that I have to live my life the way that I am supposed to so I can return to them.
Well that is all for now and will update as much as I can.

1 comment:

Fullmer said...

hey girl i wish you the best with everything i hope things start to look up for you! you do deserve it! :)
how are you?