Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Well today is Tuesday and I actually didn't have to work today. So I've been going around trying to get stuff ready for Thursday. We are going to go with my family and after we eat dinner we are going to make gingerbread houses with all of our cousins at the church. We do this every year its fun to see all the different houses that we can make and how much candy our little cousins put on theirs. After we finish this up we will head out to Marcus's family to be with them. This year is going to be really hard were Grandma wont be there.

So we are hopefully going to find out in the next couple weeks if we are going to get our house or not. I hope that we do because Marcus and I deserve something good to happen right now. If we do get it than it will take us a little while to move in because we will have to finish the kitchen and than clean all the floors and wax them. But other than that it will be ready to move in. But come spring we will have a lot to do because there is no lawn or anything and some of the trees will need to taken out. I just hope that we can get it.

We are trying to start the long process of adoption! We were supposed to meet with our case worker tonight but Marcus has been really busy at work and can't get away. So it is just another delay that we have. So now were are going to have to call and make a new appointment that we both will beable to go to.
Well I guess that is everything that is going on in our lives right now.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


So everyone that I talk to says that I need to get a blog so here I am.
Marcus and I have been married for almost four years. It hasn't been the easiet but I wouldn't trade it for anything. We still live in Blackfoot and I hope that we will forever, unless we can move to Maddison South Dakota thats would be okay.
We have not been blessed we any kids yet. We have had a hard time with that. We have gone through four misscarrages and with the last one this last month they said that I wouldn't beable to have children. So we are strating to get the process started for adoption. I'm really excited because I know that there is plenty of children out there that need a caring family. I know that my babies are up in Heaven waiting for me so I gives me something to look forward to. I know that I have to live my life the way that I am supposed to so I can return to them.
Well that is all for now and will update as much as I can.